Commenting Rules

We love feedback on our content. Feedback is a gift to us. We also love for our fans/clients/viewers to engage in conversation. However, we will NOT tolerate obscene language and bullying. If you are unsure of whether or not you should post something, you probably shouldn’t. But, feel free to checkout our rules below. You may find the answer you’re looking for.

Rule #1 – Be Amicable

At times conversations can become heated; it’s normal. We know that some of our content may be controversial or be personal to some fans. When engaging in discussion, please remember to criticize ideas, not people. Name-calling and bullying of any type will not be tolerated on any On-Ride Entertainment site; this includes hate speech (racist, gendered, homophobic and transphobic slurs, etc).

Rule #2 – Add Some Value

Strive for your comments to add value to the discussion/posts. This can be positive feedback or constructive criticism. We’re okay with both as long as you’re following Rule #1.

Rule #3 – Stay the Course

Please stay on topic! Do not utilize a recent post to promote, cross-link, or discuss another post/website unless it’s providing value to the current post. In most cases, there’s generally no reason to anyway. However, if you definitely feel as though you need to post it, just know it may be reviewed/removed by a moderator. By default, any discussions containing links will be flagged for moderator review.

Rule #4 – Call It Out!

We will do our best to combat spam and inappropriate discussion content. Unfortunately, we’re not perfect. If you see something inappropriate or completely off-the-wall, please flag the comment and we’ll check it out!